11-A  |  11-B  |  11-C  |  11-D  |  11-E
1993 - 2021
1973 - 1992
1949 - 1972
1938 - 1948

Need to show councils with disbanded lodges that either rechartered with a new name OR merged into a council with existing lodge.

m = merged into
nc = name changed
dis = disbanded
rc = re-chartered
<did not meet>
In September of 1948, Area Y was renamed Region 11 as part of the 1948 integration into the twelve scouting regions. Region 11 consisted of five areas, Areas 11-A, 11-B, 11-C, 11-D, and 11-E:

Area 11-A (1949-72) / to W-1A
<did not meet 1949-1951>
Tsisqan 253
Cole Snass Lamatai 259
8/1/49: Mazama 421
5/31/50: Makualla 437
1960: Skyloo 442
    10/13/50: Hyas Chuck Kah Sun Klatawa 442 (nc)

OA Section List
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Facts and Myths about Lodge Numbers

Copyright © 2006-22 by Robert Higgins. All rights reserved.