BSA/OA License Plates

1993 - 1999

2003 - 2024*
1985 Mercury Topaz
1995 Toyota Camry
2007 Toyota Camry
1986 Mazda 323
2009 Hyundai Accent
2010 Toyota Corolla
2010 Chevy Malibu
2022 Toyota Corolla

At Philmont, a National Jamboree, or even at summer camp, you may see personalized license plates with a scouting and/or OA theme. If you have such a plate-- especially with a photo-- that you would like to showcase on this page, email me, and I'll add it.

Please include the plate number with separators (dash, dot, etc.), the state, and what it refers to. Also, try and include the letter and background colors so I can approximate it in the table below.

Bill Anderson

Barry Jensen

Barry Jensen

Jason Smith

Dave Rohlfing

Elizabeth Bowen

Casey Bowen

Bill Topkis

Mike Bazonis

Mike Bazonis

Mike Bazonis

Mike Bazonis

Mike Bazonis

Robert Mathis

Robert Mathis

Gregg Jordan

Craig Barnwell

Scott Dillard

David Kruse

George Oldroyd

Joe and Susan Manganiello

Connie Knie

Doug Newsom

Chris Schwab

George Lekorenos

John Oechslin

Bradley Ellis

Kittatinny Lodge and its three predecessors:

David Fry

David Fry

David Fry

David Fry

graphic by Jeremy Miles

graphic by Jeremy Miles

Plate: State: Refers to: Owner/Submitted by:
1 BSA OA IL   Jerry Bauman
111IS60 TN Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge #111 60th Anniv. Carl E. Head, II
140 WWW IL Wulapeju Lodge #140 Steven Beck
3XW 200
FL - Souting Teaches Values Echockotee Lodge #200 Robert Mathis
ACHIE CA Achewon Nimat Lodge #282 Steve Kline, Achewon Nimat LodgeCo-Adviser
AKELA NY Cub Scout symbol of leadership Bob Rice
ARROW2 MO - Order of the Arrow Joe and Susan Manganiello
APT 237
FL - Souting Teaches Values Aal-Pa-Tah Lodge #237 Bradley Ellis / David Weda
BP 185 SC - Boy Scouts of America Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge #185 Jason Smith
BASCOUT TN   Carl E. Head, II
B.S.A. TX - SESQUICENTENNIAL OA members Greater St. Louis Area Doug Newsom
MI Connie Knie, Cubmaster, ASM, Commish, etc.
BSA-OA MO   Ken Kleinberg, Shawnee Lodge #51
BSA-OWL MO Woodbadge, owl patrol Fred Cruse
BSA USA LA   Mike Nolan
BSA WWW ID   Ted Burton
CUWE MI Cuwe Lodge #218 Barry Jensen
EGWA129 GA Egwa Tawa Dee Lodge #129 Craig Barnwell
EURNER AL - FORESTS FOREVER E Urner Goodman Mike Bazonis
GILWELL NY Gilwell Park Charlie Reiner
GSLAC MO - EAGLE SCOUT Greater St. Louis Area Council David Kruse
ILUVBSA NV   Steve Nelson
JAMBO97 TN 1997 National Jamboree Carl E. Head, II
KTEMAQUE NY Ktemaque Lodge #15 Bob Fently
PA - Boy Scouts of America Kittatinny Lodge #5 David Fry
LKTA 175 IL Lakota Lodge #175 Graham Fairbank
PA - Boy Scouts of America Memeu Lodge #125 David Fry
ID - Boy Scouts Casey Bowen, Meteu, Shunkah Mahneetu 407
PA - Boy Scouts of America Minsi Lodge #5 David Fry
FL - CHALLENGER COLUMBIA BSA Ham Radio Call Sign Chris Schwab
PA - Boy Scouts of America Indiandale Lodge #5 David Fry
NOAC96 TN 1996 NOAC Carl E. Head, II
OA CT Dave Rohlfing, Associate Lodge Adviser, Tschitani 10
ID - Boy Scouts Elizabeth Bowen, Vigil Adviser, Shunkah Mahneetu 407
OA179 AL Alibamu Lodge #179 Mike Bazonis
OA179 AL Alibamu Lodge #179 Mike Bazonis
OA179 AL - AUBURN UNIVERSITY Alibamu Lodge #179 Mike Bazonis
OA179 AL - CAHAWBA Alibamu Lodge #179 Mike Bazonis
OA346 NV Tannu Lodge #346 Ev Holm
OA BSA TN   Carl E. Head, II
OA FLAPS NC   Steve Smith
OA SE 6 TN Section SE-6 Howard Olson
OWL-BSA MO Woodbadge, owl patrol Fred Cruse
PHILMONT AR seen at Philmont David Lagesse
ROYANEH CA Camp Royaneh, SF Bay Area Council Chip Hansen
SCOUT 1 NY   Don Vanderbilt
TANNU NV Tannu Lodge #346 Chuck Tonzi
TANNU1 NV Tannu Lodge #346 Ev Holm
TNKTKE CT Tankiteke Lodge #313 George Oldroyd, 1989 NE-3A Section Chief
TROOP14 CA Troop #14, SF Bay Area Council Joe Ehrman
CA “Up, up and OA!” à la Superman Bill Topkis
W4B WWW CA OA Section W-4B Larry Dylina
WB308FOX NC Woodbadge SE-308, fox patrol Jim Taylor
WB6EGL CA Ham radio call-sign for Woodbadge, eagle patrol Jim Carter
WWW MI Barry Jensen
OH - EAGLE SCOUTS WWW George Lekorenos
PA   John Oechslin, Conestoga River District Executive, PA Dutch Council
WWW 111 TN Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge #111 Carl E. Head, II
WWW 200
FL - Souting Teaches Values Echockotee Lodge #200 Robert Mathis
WWW197 IL Waupecan Lodge #197 Jerry Bauman
WWW·313 CT Tankiteke Lodge #313 Adam Fromm
WWW-LL46 PA Langundowi Lodge #46 Rob Higgins
PA Langundowi Lodge #46 Rob Higgins
WWWOA54 CA Allemakewink Lodge #54 Bill Anderson, 1996-98 Allemakewink Lodge Adviser
FL - Souting Teaches Values Yustaga Lodge #385 Gregg Jordan
NAWAKWA VA* Nawakwa Lodge #3 Jeremy Miles
OA L-3 VA* Nawakwa Lodge #3 Jeremy Miles
*Although it's not an actual plate, the graphic is so good that it should be

*Because of Pennsylvania's Registration Plate Reissuance, this plate was due to be replaced. I wanted to have it updated with the new plate format. However, because it was not "deemed illegible... or showed any blistering, peeling, discoloration or loss of reflectivity," I would have to have surrendered the current plate. So, instead I've decided to retire it, and mount it in a framed display.

Redesigned Pennsylvania Flag

On another topic, there has been talk about redesigning Pennsylvania's flag, especially since Minnesota, Mississippi, and Utah did so recently. Like far too many other states, ours is just the state seal on a blue background.

This is my version, based on the colors from Old Glory. I also like the gold keystone, which is of course, Pennsylvania's unique symbol, with two white stars on a blue field to signify PA being the 2nd state.

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BSA/OA License Plates
Created: 01-01-1998
This page updated:

Facts and Myths about Lodge Numbers

Copyright © 1998-2024 by Robert Higgins. All rights reserved.