On June 3, 1973, representatives from eight lodges from Area III-B and III-F met at the Moraine Trails Council office in Butler, PA and formed Section NE-5C. The first section conclave was hosted by Nachamawat Lodge #275 at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania.

NE-5C (1973-88)
Langundowi 46 (from 3-B)
Ah'Tic 139 (from 3-B)
Kuskitannee 168 (from 3-B)
Gyantwachia 255 (from 3-B)
Nachamawat 275 (from 3-B)
Wagion 6 (from 3-F)
Kiasutha 57 (from 3-F)
Tanacharison 67 (from 3-F)

Lodges of Section NE-5C

Westmoreland-Fayette s2  French Creek t2  Allegheny Trails t10 
Wagion 6 s8  Langundowi 46 s2 50th Anniv.  Kiasutha 57 s15 
East Valley Area t6  Bucktail t1 
Tanacharison 67 s5 BSA 75th Anniv.  Ah'Tic 139 s10 50th Anniv. 
Moraine Trails t2  Chief Cornplanter t2 
Kuskitannee 168 s6 50th Anniv.  Gyantwachia 255 s4a 
Penn's Woods s2 
Nachamawat 275 s12b 

Section NE-5C Conclaves
1974 Nachamawat 275 Indiana University of PA
1975 Kuskitannee 168 Westminster College
1976 Wagion 6 Camp Conestoga
1977 Tanacharison 67 Camp Twin Echo
1978 Langundowi 46 Edinboro State College
1979 Kiasutha 57 Slippery Rock State College
1980 Ah'Tic 139 Camp Mountain Run
1981 Gyantwachia 255 Camp Wesley Woods
1982 Nachamawat 275 Roaring Run SR
1983 Kuskitannee 168 Camp Bucoco
1984 Wagion 6 Camp Conestoga
1985 Tanacharison 67 Camp Twin Echo
1986 Langundowi 46 Custaloga Town SR
1987 Kiasutha 57 Heritage SR
1988 Ah'Tic 139 Camp Mountain Run

1974 NE-5C Conclave 
Indiana University of PA, PA
Nachamawat 275
Jun 7-9, 1974
1975 NE-5C Conclave 
Westminster College, PA
Kuskitannee 168
Jun 6-8, 1975
1976 NE-5C Conclave 
Camp Conestoga, PA
Wagion 6
Jun 18-20, 1976
1977 NE-5C Conclave 
Camp Twin Echo, PA
Tanacharison 67
1978 NE-5C Conclave 
Custaloga Town SR, PA
Langundowi 46
Jun 9-11, 1978
1979 NE-5C Conclave 
Slippery Rock State College, PA
Kiasutha 57
1980 NE-5C Conclave 
Camp Mountain Run, PA
Ah'Tic 139
1981 NE-5C Conclave 
Camp Wesley Woods, PA
Gyantwachia 255
1982 NE-5C Conclave 
Roaring Run SR, PA
Nachamawat 275

1983 NE-5C Conclave 
Camp Bucoco, PA
Kuskitanee 168
1984 NE-5C Conclave 
Camp Conestoga, PA
Wagion 6
1985 NE-5C Conclave 
Camp Twin Echo, PA
Tanacharison 67
Jun 14-16, 1985

1986 NE-5C Conclave 
Custaloga Town SR, PA
Langundowi 46
1987 NE-5C Conclave
Heritage SR, PA
Kiasutha 57
1988 NE-5C Conclave 
Camp Mountain Run, PA
Ah'Tic 139

  • As a result of the Northeast Region Realignment of 1988, Monaken Lodge #103 from NE-5B and Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge #165 from NE-2C were added, making a total of ten lodges in the newly formed Section NE-5:

    Old NE-5C / New NE-5
    Wagion 6
    Langundowi 46
    Kiasutha 57
    Tanacharison 67
    Ah'Tic 139
    Kuskitannee 168
    Gyantwachia 255
    Nachamawat 275
    Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont 165 (from NE-2C)
    Monaken 103 (from NE-5B)

OAS My Collection: Section NE-5C
Created: June 1996
This page updated: 
Menawngihella Lodge Flap Space Fillers
Areas E, F, & III-B
Area III-F
Section NE-5C
Section NE-5
Section NE-5A
Section NE-3A
Sections NE-4A & E14

Copyright © 1996-2023 by Robert Higgins. All rights reserved.